Divine Chaos Skirt Technique Workshop
Join us to learn how to dance with a 25 or 35 yd skirt!
Service Description
This 2 hour workshop taught by Lindsey McCormick will review techniques created by Divine Chaos Fusion Collective! Perfect for beginners or intermediate dancers who want to brush up on th DC combos. This course will break down specific dance steps and movements, as well as stylization. It is perfect for anyone who wants to add a new dimension to their dancing. Previous dance experience not required. It is recommended to have a 25 or 32 yard skirt, but if you do not, there will be some at the studio to borrow. You can get them for cheap on Amazon! This course will focus on technique and improv style. No choreography. Lindsey draws inspiration from her teachers including Shannon Bowers and her Divine Chaos format, Dalia Carella, Silvia Salamanca, Za'Nyah Zi and Saeeda Kasym and is excited to share her love of skirt dancing with you. This format is trademarked by Divine Chaos Fusion Collective and Lindsey is currently a teacher candidate on her way to DC instructor status.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
16 East Patrick Street, Frederick, MD, USA